Make sure your the Gunslinger style (G-stance) is equipped.Faust hat equipped and upgraded to max level (4) That’s a steal for having to press one button. Just doing this alone, you can get a maximum amount of 5 million orbs per hour. With this method, all you need is a comfy chair, your console or laptop charger, and your trusty thumb. It doesn’t take much effort to do, but it does become a little tedious the longer you do this. If you had some time to spare and a little sanity to lose, then this is the perfect method for you. This method was the best way to exploit the game for that extra amount of red orbs. Nonetheless, it’s a perfect time to review how this exploit worked and why so many people were amazed by it. Unfortunately, Capcom patched this up with the release of new updates and other DLC packs. After all, it is the only exploit that existed back then. This method is the cream of the crop of Red Orb exploits in Devil May Cry 5. Sicker combos = sicker amounts of Red Orbs.How High difficulty, high style rank, high orbs works Not only is it rewarding as a player, but you also get to the pinnacle of what the game is essentially about - killing demons with utmost style. If you can pull off near-impossible combos such as aerial ones, this is the method for you. This means exactly what you think it means. Its variation depends on how skilled the player is. Just like the Red Orb trees, the number of red orbs isn’t guaranteed with this method. Players who play this way (much like most veterans) are rewarded more. It’s especially impressive if you can get sick combos in higher difficulties. The number of orbs you get can even skyrocket if you play it this way correctly. You need to be a more skilled player to get more red orbs this way. The main difference is how exactly you get to farm orbs this way. The premise for the whole thing is almost the same as the previous one on this list. This next method has something to do with the previous one, they’re just in very different situations. Higher difficulty, higher style rankings, higher orbs Combat practice for higher style pointsģ.Reload the mission, make the dream work.You’re guaranteed at least 5,000 every time you get to the tree, so if you’re faster and more skilled, it’s more rewarding. The red orbs are never really on a fixed rate when they come off the tree, so it’s best you stick to keeping that style rank up. It’s best to keep reloading the mission and get these trees on your side. It’s tedious to keep going back to these trees. This method is lower on the list because it does take some time. For now, you have to know that you can cheese these Red Orb spawning trees. That whole higher style, higher red orbs are going to come back later on in this list. In simple terms, the higher your style, the higher your red orbs are from this tree. What’s great about these trees is that they always produce the amount of Red Orbs depending on the rank on your style meter. In the game, some trees spawn a collection of Red Orbs. This method is one of the basic ones in all of Devil May Cry. This guarantees a max number of Red Orbs (at 99,999,999) in around 2 hours.

You have to load the software into your gaming set and let the magic happen (which is why it’s called the Save Wizard). This method is an instant success story when it comes to obtaining red orbs. It’s a quick and easy method, but mainly only for those who don’t have the time of day or any patience to go through the game over and over again. The Save Wizard is at #5 because it does require having to quit the game and doing a little more technical things. It just needs a little bit of time and expert handiwork. I do not condone pirating things and stealing over the internet, but this is a good way to get almost the maximum number of orbs. This first method is the easiest one, but it does require having to get an extension for your PC, laptop, or console.